Bowland Ecology have recently been involved in an SNH Peatland Action Funded project in central Scotland, the objective of the project was to produce Feasibility Studies for each of the eleven sites which had previously been surveyed in 2012/2013. The study provides information from desk studies, landowner engagement, peat depth surveys, basic hydrological assessment and the baseline condition assessment all feeding into the Site Management Plan. Bowland Ecology completed landowner interviews to gain an insight into the current and historical management of the site along with the landowners’ level of interest in pursuing restoration of the peatland areas. The Site Management Plan was a costed plan of initial restoration works such as ditch blocking, scrub clearance and fencing as well as guidance on the long term grazing of the area. The survey work was carried out during one of the coldest and a snowiest winters of recent years, meeting the client’s tight deadline is a testament to the hard work and dedication of the team involved.
For more information on SNH Peatland Action go to