BAE Bishopton

[Sectors: Land Use Development]
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One of the UK’s largest brownfield regeneration projects. Bowland Ecology is the Ecological Project Manager within the BAE project team for redevelopment of the site. Our role involves managing ecological support for all aspects of the redevelopment, from input into design codes and site-wide strategies, through to protected species surveys; licensing and supervision of works; and innovative biodiversity enhancements. We developed an innovative GIS system to allow NatureScot live access to ecological constraints information for the site, as updated by ongoing monitoring. The site supports ancient woodland and three Sites of Importance for Nature Conservation (SINCs), including Barochan Moss, an area of lowland raised peat bog. Protected species make use of both natural and artificial features, demonstrating the richness of brownfield sites and reflecting the challenges presented by large scale remediation projects. All ecological impacts arising from the redevelopment are addressed in line with survey and mitigation guidelines, which includes strict adherence to protected species licensing protocols. The team maintains a close relationship with NatureScot, this led to the issuing of unique five-year licences for badger and otter. The ecology team also carry out pre-works and annual rolling surveys to meet licensing conditions.

This project has received industry recognition by demonstrating ‘respect for local ecosystems in a brownfield project, with long term planning to enhance biodiversity and amenity value’. BAE Systems | Brownfield Awards 2021 (
