North Lincolnshire Green Energy Park NLGEP

[Sectors: Infrastructure, Renewables]
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Bowland Ecology has provided ecological support for the proposed North Lincolnshire Green Energy Park, a Nationally Significant Infrastructure Project, since the early stages of project design. The company undertook baseline habitat and protected species surveys and worked closely with the wider project team during preparation of the Environmental Impact Assessment and associated Ecology Environmental Statement.

In line with the project’s design principles, the team opted to undertake a biodiversity net-gain (BNG) study, which involved advising on realistic habitat creation and enhancement measures alongside extensive GIS work. The assessment demonstrated the project could achieve over 10% BNG through the provision of large areas of wetland, ponds, species-rich grassland and woodland. Bowland Ecology contributed to the project’s Outline Landscape and Biodiversity Management and Monitoring Plan and attended numerous meetings with stakeholders, including Natural England, the Environment Agency, Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust and North Lincolnshire County Council, primarily discussing biodiversity, designated sites, ornithology and air quality matters.

Green Energy Park
Green Energy Park