Mosswater LNR and Craigdouffie Burn Invasive Species Survey

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Bowland Ecology was commissioned to undertaken comprehensive surveys of Invasive Non Native plant Species (INNS) of Mosswater Local Nature Reserve and the section of Howe Road to the north of the reserve; and Craigdouffie Burn and tributaries. This was commissioned by North Lanarkshire Council to inform the wider management of INNS.


Bowland Ecology Ltd was commissioned by the Edinburgh and Lothians Greenspace Trust on behalf of West Lothian Council to conduct great crested newt surveys and subsequently prepare a management and implementation plan to enhance the quality of terrestrial and aquatic habitats for great crested newts at a site in Uphall Station, West Lothian. The scheme includes the restoration of existing ponds, creation of new ponds, enhancement of terrestrial habitat and control of invasive non-native species.
